Friday, September 21, 2012

Today's Photo : Skipping

Taken at Jack Darling Park near the entrance to Rattray Marsh this young lady was collecting rocks for a skipping contest she would have with her son.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today's Photo : Dynamic Duo

The dynamic duo:  Penny andTeddy.
Best of friends these two are always challenging one another's combat skills.  Taken last Christmas Husky Penny was giving a run for the money.  Penny is now full size and 
now watched over little Teddy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's Photo : Flash Back in Time

Flash back in time, I took this picture several years ago on a backpacking trip throughout Europe. The Parthenon is quite a site to see comparable to viewing the Mayan Pyramids. If you ever get the chance to visit Greece make a point of climbing the Acropolis Hill rich in history and Ancient Ruins.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today's Photo : Touch Down

Taken at the annual Toronto Waterfront Festival. After exploring some of the exhibits and sampling the seafood I stumbled upon this guy passed out cold.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today' Photo : Sweet Tooth

For all you chocolate lovers and sweet tooths.... This picture was taken at a Sweet Table not to long ago at an Engagement Party which I shot.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back to School - New Blog

Headed back to the drawing board this week, well kind of.  So after a decade of avoiding the inevitable Bloggin Blodgett has decided to Ante Up and head back to the Institution of High Learning.  Yep that's right: Blodgett goes back to school! College that is.  I will be studying Business for the next umpteen years. The Majority of the classes I will be taking are online except for that Math stuff.  Oh how I loathe thee math.  (Shivers down my spine)  How will this affect my current projects? For one I am hoping that it won't.  Secondly I have a plan.  Oh yes!!!! I have come up with a posting schedule which if I manage to stick to should keep Bloggin B consistent.  On a side note if I come across as off the wall a little as of late its the drugs. I'm trying to get my mojo back.  Dr. Evil stole it and supplanted a "evil" virus in its place.

I am currently taking Accounting and Business Communications.  Both courses seem rather interesting to their perspective degrees.  Going Back to School is quite the adventure for me I must admit.  Unfortunately for you the people there won't be a film like Rodney Dangerfield's as I neither have the time or budget to create such a spectacle.  It would be fun to document though.  I'll see what I can do -- no promises. But what I do promise is to blog to my hearts content about the fiasco.  Ironically along with the Business Communications course comes an assignment which is right up my alley : blogging.  I am required as part of the B. Comm course to create a blog which relates to various topics covered in the course.  I have decided to take it a step further and will maintain this blog as both a learning tool for myself as well as for others.  I am your average laymen so to speak and have limited knowledge on both running a successful business and communicating well in business -- hence going back to school. So journey with me on the new Blog : Your Average Sucker.  What are you waiting for click the link.  And of course have a great Tuesday.

Monday, September 10, 2012


The Monday Madness begins in bed where I have been since Saturday afternoon.  I blame people who congregate in call centers, sharing their diseases with the populous for my feverish demise.  (Those who understand that reference I hope they burn with guilt. Just Kidding.)

The weekend started off great.  Friday I watched Captain America on Netflix with a special somebody who hadn't seen it.  I recently signed up for Netflix due to my obsession with Monster Park (Android Game).  They had an offer I couldn't refuse : Gold.  You need Gold to buy Monsters.  So I signed up for the trial and was awarded a mighty 200 pieces.  I just decided to keep the service.

Saturday I ran a couple errands had lunch and a pitcher with the boy DJ Vader (local producer).  We decided to hit up Coopers Pub since we had never eaten there before and I had just picked up some computer supplies at Canada Computers which is right beside it.  It was practically empty which isn't necessarily a good thing on a Saturday afternoon although the weather as pictures above was quite nasty. I ordered their Royal Burger.   The Burger was good but I'm not really a fan of crumpling burgers.  Darth's burger on the other hand was just fine.   The beer as always was delightful (add an English to that and it sounds splendid)

I was planning on updating a few sections of the blog this weekend including what's happening in Aqua-land but I fell asleep Saturday when I arrived home and have felt ill since I woke up.  I feel the wooze coming back on so I'm going to end this entry now and fade into the land of milk and honey.  Hope you all have a great week.  Undercovers Blodgett. 

Labour Day

The last long weekend of the summer has come and gone so has most of this week.Time flies when you are busy!!  Most of last week was spent tying up lose ends as my parents departed the family home.  The final stages of that included me driving a truck which I always find entertaining.  (It really is amazing how many stupid drivers there are in Mississauga.  Driving a truck always give you a different vantage point to being on the road.  And from a trucks point of view when someone plays the idiot and tries to beat the truck there isn't much that can be done when there isn't enough room to brake. Fortunately for a couple sports car drivers I still applied the brakes.) 

Once the move was complete I turned  my focus over the last week to trying to relax a little in between a last beer night with a friend who is off to Califronia to be wedded in a few weeks, a trip to Niagara and completing unfinished projects around the home. 

Friday night was the first time I've been out in public for a drink since I stopped drinking in July. Friday ended up being a late night hanging out around City Center. Saturday ended up being a long day.

I attended a friend's kids Birthday party the following day down in Niagra.  I haven't been to the Zoo for a while so that was a fun and photographic experience.  I'll upload a video of the crazy monkeys tonight.

We also headed across the border for a little bit of shopping.  Got some new Cons for the photo series I am working on.  Coach was also a stopping point along with Target (gotta get me some PopTarts) You can see a glimpse of one pair in the pics below.  Afterwards we hit up one of my favorite restaurants : Olive Garden.  On the Menu was Seafood Brodetto and Parmesan Crusted Tilapia.  The Tilapia was fantastic.  The Brodetto tasted good but wasn't what I expected as I'd never had it before.  It is a soupy type dish which was a surprise so I won't be doing that again. 

Monday till tonight I have and will spend finishing up cleaning my domain.  Lots of new pictures coming up as well.  And the website is in progress but didn't quite make the labor day cut.  Have a good Thursday.  Here's a few pics I snapped over the last week courtesy of your neighbourly SIII.
Bloggin B

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting Back on track

I apologize for the lack of updates on the Bloggin side.  Its been a hectic few weeks for me for a whole bunch of reason which I will not bore you with.  The regular schedule will resume tonight. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here's for the wait

The last few weeks have been a little busy with two big moves.  The first being moving my folks out of the Child hood home.  The second move is moving Bloggin B from blogger to the new website.  Both are nearing completion.  Posting will remain a little sporadic this week and if all goes well over the upcoming long weekend the new site shoud be live come monday.  Have a great week! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Down to the grind

Ah the weekend is about here.   Im playing catch up right now with all the crazy projects I have committed myself to.   This weekend won't be too productive on the blog front as I will be tied up with my parents move.  Hopefully they will settle into their new quiet quaint home with relative ease next week. 

I will be posting the remainder of my summer adventure pictures next week.  Along with a few teasers from the upcoming Converse series I am working on. 

Lastly the website.... it is well underway and if all goes well it should be ready for Labour Day giving me a reason to celebrate the holiday.  I hope you all have a great weekend.  Bloggin B

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Todays' Photo : Living on the Edge

Last weekend I was at my folks place helping them start their move.  Well some of the garden creatures decided to make an appearance as well. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Today's Photo : Monty

Today's Photo of the Day is brought to you courtesy of Monty.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Last night I was working on a few projects one of which was the Mississauga Ribfest pictures. The other project was for a family member whom I owe a collection of pictures from the last few years. I had to pull out the cds even dvds of pictures which were a mishmash of various events.

I have had a nagging voice in the back of my mind for quite sometime now telling me get your pictures organized. Even though I am well aware of the horror stories of losing a hard drive and even experiencing it I still haven't shaken the habit of copying my pictures to a external drive and leaving them there. I do take a lot of pictures so I have my own stock photography to an extent. Actually I had close to 100 gigs of media in my photos folder, mind you there are some hd video files in there as well which could account for 20% of the sum, but that's a fair chunk of photos to organize. (On a side note this is one of the downfalls of digital photography.)

 So I am here in stopping the madness. It may take me a week or two to sort through everything. I also need to start getting in the habit of printing my pictures. I do have a lot of photos which would make for some nice wall pictures something I am considering exploring in the fall. Its aways a good idea to have more than one source of income we are in a recession, which by the looks of the way we're spending you wouldn't think so but you never know which way the economy is going to go. So after making a small dent (really small) in the stock pile of images I retired around 2 last night and I plan on picking up the gauntlet again tonight. I may have to find a third job to afford the printing bill. Yikes!!! I'll forward my resume send me your emails. Busy B