So this week at Mass the reading was rather interesting. It's not your typical story of Jesus that we're accustom to. In the Gospel reading (Mt 15:21-28) there is a woman pestering the disciples and Jesus is blatantly ignoring her. Not your typical image of the loving, caring, savior Jesus that we are familiar with. It isn't till the woman makes a bold declaration of faith that Jesus actually turns to her and as per her request heals her daughter who was being tormented by demons.
I myself had never really thought about this all that much but after listening to the Priest's Homily and looking at this reading it dawned upon me that there are some things that we really have to pester the Man for. Many people have the notion that God doesn't answer prayers and this can be quite true. There are many prayers or things we request from God throughout our life that we don't seem to be blessed with. They may not be what's best for us either though. And that's why many people firmly believe that God doesn't answer prayers. But this passage from the Gospel got me thinking that there are somethings we have to consistently ask the Lord for. This may also just be one reason that we don't get what we want.
I remember one time a friend said to me 'that there are some blessings that we are just given,some blessings that we don't receive and then there are some blessings that we must ask for'. And I think that's what the main context of this reading.. that just like in life we have to be persistent with the Lord and have a firm faith that He will give us those things that we need.
I myself had never really thought about this all that much but after listening to the Priest's Homily and looking at this reading it dawned upon me that there are some things that we really have to pester the Man for. Many people have the notion that God doesn't answer prayers and this can be quite true. There are many prayers or things we request from God throughout our life that we don't seem to be blessed with. They may not be what's best for us either though. And that's why many people firmly believe that God doesn't answer prayers. But this passage from the Gospel got me thinking that there are somethings we have to consistently ask the Lord for. This may also just be one reason that we don't get what we want.
I remember one time a friend said to me 'that there are some blessings that we are just given,some blessings that we don't receive and then there are some blessings that we must ask for'. And I think that's what the main context of this reading.. that just like in life we have to be persistent with the Lord and have a firm faith that He will give us those things that we need.