Thursday, August 9, 2012

Not quite Friday Thursday

Whenever I wake up and the sun isn't piercing my eyes I quickly glance out the window to confirm what I already know : gloom. Or its raining.  That's ok though because  I was planning on bringing Oscar with me everywhere today.  Its really WordPress' fault for sucking me into their abyss last night and filling my dreams with css coding equations and widget placements.  "What is he talking about?"  Who knows I just woke up and I felt like writing....  Today could be Friday but the calender man decided it wasn't so the world has to bear and gringe the fact that I want to sleep in.   How this effects you?  Oscar is with me today...

Enough of that let's get serious.... So I have begun the process of  building my website (slightly retarded on this) (late you goof). (See what I did there.) I was planning on lauching in July but scheduling didn't permit. Nevertheless I decided to give a try.   Do I like it? They allow flexibity with ads.  But its not really about the money.  Actually there isn't any money.  I write for love of the art.  Wordpress is for custimizability (not sure thats a word)  More so than Blogger who I currently use and enjoy.

So I decided to try out some themes.  I will spare the first theme/ company X a  bad rap.  I actually really liked company X's theme so I added it to my shopping cart and proceeded to check out.... Insufficient funds.  Okay sometimes paypal is finicky with realtime purchases so I'll use the creditcard.... Insufficent funds... Please top up.. Ok  find the topup section... click....  A new page pops up.  Minimum top up balance is $30.  BRAKES!!!! SKREECH!!!! SMOKE from tires.... (imagery is key to a good story) I promise no keyboards were hurt during the process.  So these yahoooos want me to give them 30 buckaroos for a dollar purchase because I am going to buy 30 more themes. Hmmm!!!!..... So after I told them to beat it!!  I moved on and explored a bunch of other themes from within WordPress and came to a decision which I would use.   Long story short I may have stayed up a little past my bedtime.  But I am closer to finishing a page. 

I use to design my own pages but somewhere between HTML 4, CSS and HTML 5 I got lost and never found my way back.  Step out the game and it may take a minute to get back.  My schedule is pressed for time now so Wordpress will fill the void till I generate revenue to afford a superduper website. 

My itinerary today has been slightly juxtaposed (all about creativity today) and so I have not posted my usual entries.  Everything seems a little off today including this English weather we are experiencing here in Mississauga.  I have lost close to ten pounds from when I started the Blodgett Slim Trim Plan.  Fifteen to go till I reach my phase one goal.Speaking of which my work out partner who went to Montreal last weekend I haven't heard from this week which is a little strange.  Maybe he found love.  I'll call him later.   I haven't had a cigarette in a month which is good.  I believe in Harvey Dent!!  Still haven't revealed the inner workings of my thoughts on Dark Knight Rises.  I will do that this weekend. 
Which brings me to Jerk Fest.  Its this weekend.  Can't wait to chow down on the Ox Tail and Pigeon Pea Rice.   Mmmm.  Well now that I've got this day started time for some breakfast.  Hey look a rabbit.... 
Have a great Thursday.  And if you're thirsty have a drank. 

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