Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Which way is up?

Often I find myself wishing I had more time to do the things I want.  I often get the nagging sense that I am just skimming by kind of like back in high school when you just hope you get that 50% to pass. Its not that I don't use my time wisely rather I don't always use it effectively.  I am a diver (??? ) not someone who goes into the pool step by step gradually getting use to the water.  Nope not me! I just plunge right in.  On occasion I don't look before I jump which isn't always a good thing.  Being adventurous or spontaneous is great but I keep learning that there needs to be some prep work and due diligence thrown in the equation.  Without a proper foundation a house will not stand the test of time.  That is why I am trying my best to build myself up slowly with quality products.  A blog is a product and so is my photography.  Actually in some ways I am a product or I am turning myself into a product, something which I market and try to sell.  My goal is independence which is ultimately what everyone wants.  I would like to be able to write full-time, attend social events, and do photo-shoots.  I should have gone into journalism but dragging my old hinny back to school isn't in the equation or budget (time or money wise).

I am in the process of switching the blog to a new site which is taking a little longer than planned simply because I am divided by time constraints. I have started to get into the habit of making lists (something I use to mock my grandfather and father for) of what I have to get done.  Its the only way I keep semi-organized.  But I don't always meet my personal deadlines I set which simply means I need more focus or I need to take less on my plate.  Which brings up the "NO" word.  Sometimes getting a head means saying "No" a lot.  I hate saying "no" I wish I could do everything that comes up but as my days fill up faster my "no's" become more frequent.

It's been a year since I began Bloggin Blodgett.  It's been a year since I became a semi-professional photographer.  I have much to learn in both regards.  But I am proud of what I have accomplished. (Inventory is important)  Did I get everything I set out to do done?  No.  But that won't stop me from continuing to move forward.  This "fiscal" year I have much planned.  Stay with me the journey and maybe we will have a little fun along the way.  Anyhow time to kill a chicken I'm hungry for some breakfast.   Picking the Brain Blodgett!

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